Because I am obsessed with child development right now, I sometimes find myself pushing Cameron too hard to do the things that I think he should be doing for a 7 month old. When he was born at 5 weeks early I was told by all the Dr's and therapist that I couldn't consider him at his chronological age, but that I needed to take into account that he was early, that he spent 8 weeks in a hospital, and endured 3 surgeries before he was 4 months old. And while that is all fine and dandy, I still cant help myself comparing Cam to other 7 month olds and seeing what he isn't able to do.
I hate that I struggle with his development so much. I wish that I just felt that whenever he does things is when he does them, and that is fine, but on the inside I don't. I have two friends that have babies very close to Cams age. Baby Jenna was born two weeks before Cam, and Addie Grace Came the week before. And while granted they were both full term, non hospitalized babies that have endured any surgeries they are still cam's same age. And I understand that girls develop faster than boys at this age, but the things they can do or are doing seem to be amazing compared to Cams development, and that kills me. I'm sure that this struggle is just one of the things that I need to work on. I'm still new at this whole being a mom of a child with special needs, and although I feel that my husband and I have come along way there are still things we need to work on to be the absolute best parents we can for Cam.
But on a more positive note and the reason for this post is to announce how Cam does meet his milestones and proves me wrong on a daily basis and I LOVE IT! Let me tell you, when Cam does meet his milestones, it's a party at the Elliott house!! And this past week Cam has learned to SIT!!! He has not perfected it just yet, but he is well on his way.
It's almost like it happened overnight. One day I was struggling just getting him to sit sandwiched in between the boppy and then all of a sudden he is sitting all by himself. The first couple of days it was for a few seconds at a time, and now he is mastering minutes. So we are definately getting there. This kid amazes me everyday, and reminds me of how precious the little things in life are. No Cam isn't a typical 7 month old in all areas, but I'm reminded daily that he shouldn't even be where he is today, He is a happy, healthy, beautiful boy, and I'm learning to enjoy what he does more than have sorrow for the things that he hasn't gotten to yet!
Way to go cam! funny thing is Jessica, I had Brendan first (my so called "normal" child), i was constantly reading what to expect the first year, and comparing him to everything and everyone. now with Josie (my so called "special need" although i hate that word and NEVER use it, but anyways) i threw out that book (actually i probably sold it before she was born, lol. I was happy she was progressing, as long as she was going forward i was happy. i don't know if having brendan first helped with having josie? or i was to busy to keep track? whatever the case, know that you are doing awesome with cam, and us moms will obsess about everything (i have gone through my neurotic stages too, especially now that she will start kindergarten and kids might stare at her and i won't be there to protect her...). And don't worry Cam will continue to amaze you daily!!!