Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It's been awhile. I'm really slack at keeping up with this. I need to do better! Well since the last post, Cam has gained ten beautiful new fingers that he uses wonderfully. We have celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, and most recently St. Patty's Day! Quite a few things have come and gone. All of them have been wonderful, and I am so grateful for our little family of four. There haven't really been any issues with Cameron other than his last months bought with RSV...again :( This time it was given to him generously  by his baby brother.

The RSV wasn't too bad, but during the illness he developed a new complication called SVT. It stands for Sub-Ventricular Tachycardia....sounds fancy, right?! It causes ones heart to beat really fast, and sometimes medical intervention is needed to put the heart back into a normal rhythm. Cameron ended up needing to be put on a medicine to control these episodes, and since then he has been doing just fine. We head to the Cardiologist this week to make sure everything still looks good and to maybe see about weaning him off of this new med. The most likely scenario was the his RSV caused his heart to break into this abnormal rhythm and it is very possible that once the RSV subsided that the SVT did too, so we will just talk with them this week to see what we will do from here! Thankfully it's very treatable and not something that is very invasive or really even that dangerous.

Right now Cameron seems to be doing really well. He is walking/running, he loves to play at the park, he understands everything we say, and is working really hard with his speech therapist to talk back to us! He is still only eating mostly purees, but we are making a lot of progress in that area as well. He is sleeping in a big boy bed, and has really come along in his development. He weighs about 26 lbs, but is in the 85th percentile for height for his age, so his slender build is to be expected! I am so proud of everything he does and attempts to do! He loves music, and can keep a beat to several songs! Right now we have him in a creative movements class once a week and he is really enjoying that! He is always smiling, and unless his baby brother is pulling him or taking his toys, he has really proven to be the most patient big brother to Max! They get along so well, and I am just so grateful that they get to grow up together and be best friends!

MAX- Max is....well how should I put this.... FEISTY!! He is nothing like Cameron. Cameron was so laid back and calm. He was the sweetest, most gentle soul, and still is! Max is the complete opposite. He is LOUD, persistent, and not very patient. But he is so very loving! He smiles all the time, has the funniest expressions, laughs at my silly songs, and demands to be paid attention to...ALL THE TIME :) I can already tell he is going to be my little trouble maker....but that's okay because I'll have my sweet Cam to balance them out!! At almost 7 months he is weighing a whopping 20 lbs and is around 30 inches long. He has been sitting unassisted since about 4.5 months, and is on the verge of crawling! He has brought a lot of fun to our family and I am so grateful for him!

I guess that is about it for now. I will try to be better at updating this more often, especially since this has been the one place that I feel I can share openly about my feelings/thoughts living life with my most precious Cam....But truthfully it's become quite normal. I didn't ever think I would get to a point where I could say that...especially during Cam's first year, but I've learned so much about just enjoying and being grateful for the present. Sometimes things are still really hard, but the good times are so much more now, and it's a wonderful life....really it is!

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