Well because Cam is sick....AGAIN...(he has an ear infection and a pretty nasty runny nose, and has been throwing up). :( I figured it would be a perfect time to remember all the other times he's been sick this year. So far Cam has been sick 3 times this winter. The first occurred on Christmas. We were at my husbands grandmothers in Fayettville, NC and sure enough he came down with pneumonia. We thought he just had a really nasty respiratory virus, but as the week went on it turned into pneumonia. So we ended up spending about 5 days in our local hospital, monitoring and giving him breathing treatments.
The second illness came on at the end of February. About two weeks after his head surgery. I was just thankful that it wasn't before his surgery or right after!!! But anyway, he came down with a pretty nasty cold and we headed off to the Dr's office where they told us he definitely had a virus but that we could probably manage his symptoms at home, which we did and about a week later he was feeling better, but because of the antibiotics got a nasty case of diarrhea and so back to the Dr's we headed just to make sure that was what it was. So after about three more days of an upset tummy he was finally back to his old self. Which brings us to now.
Yesterday he was having trouble keeping all of his feedings down, and was throwing up quite a bit, but still acting normal. Then last night after he went to bed he threw up again and woke himself up, and from there it was a rough night for everybody. He was just not feeling well, so he was getting up about every 2 to 3 hours. So this morning we headed to the Dr's office where we learned he has a pretty nasty ear infection in one ear, and the other looks pretty red too. He has also developed a runny nose, and is feeling pretty under the weather. So after some antibiotics we are hoping to get our sweet Cam back! And no more sickness!!!! We are through with germs in the Elliott house!
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