OK, So I know I already have flashback Monday's, but I figure since there is so much to catch up on that I could add another day in for flashbacks this week! Today, when Cameron's physical therapist came, she was working with him on crawling. He isn't pushing up on his arms yet, but he sure does love to dig his knees in the ground and propel himself forward. Anyway, as she is working with him, I started thinking about how far along he has come. Even a few months ago, I couldn't get him to roll from his back to his belly, and now he is a rolling machine! I started thinking about how I would lay him under his floor mat and he would just lay there and stare at the toys dangling. Now, he is one moving little boy, and I love it.
Cameron has faced alot in his short little life, and still has some things to go. He made his entrance a bit early, and not only came into the world with a syndrome that was going to require numerous surgeries, but also had some extra bonuses as well, that had to be dealt with surgically. So in his short seven and a half months of life he has had four pretty big surgeries. That plus his hospital stay, and the fact that he has been put under anaesthesia four times puts him at a disadvantage for his age. But do any of these things slow him down? Absolutely not. Actually, to be honest, they do at the moment they are happening, but then he bounces right back up and is ready to face something else, and this year that is exactly what he has done. Jumped over one hurdle just to take a break for a minute and then do it again.
I love being a mom. I didn't know that I would love it this much, but watching him grow and explore the world, has taught me so much about life. How I took so much for granted, and how precious life really is. The pictures I've posted are from Cameron past. The days when I could lay him down on the floor and know that he would stay there the length of time it took me to fold a load of clothes. Now if I leave him, he is on his belly, and banging his head on the floor trying to move himself forward. Not what he is allowed to do just yet, per orders from his head surgeon. She wants him to be very careful until May not to bang his freshly created forehead, since the bones aren't completely set yet! So he is definitely keeping me on my toes....AND I LOVE IT! I can't believe that I have an almost eight month old and that he has made such a difference in my life. I know I complain alot......but GOD IS GOOD!
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