Well today we ventured to the lovely city of Winston Salem, a town we have gotten to know very well. This is the place Cameron was born and where we spent the first 8 weeks of being parents. I would be lying if I said that this town doesn't hold a special place in my heart. The hospital where Cameron was born holds alot of memories for us. Some not so good, but others bring tears to my eyes when I think about them. Like the day when we were told that Cameron was having a hard time breathing after his first surgery, and they weren't sure if he were going to live, that memory....not my favorite. But then there are those memories that make me smile. Like when Cameron came off the vent for the first time, or when we met other families that had a baby in the NICU. We made alot of friendships during our stay, and they are friendships that we still have, and cherish. We also had amazing nurses that fell in love with our sweet boy, and to this day when we see them they are his aunts!! It's a complicated relationship that we have with this place, but one that we can't break up with for a very long time. Because of Cameron's extra special issues, we see alot of specialist. And all of them are located at Brenners. The hospital where Cam was born.
Well today that is exactly why we went to Winston. It has been 90 days since Cameron's big head surgery. During the past 90 days Cameron had to wear a helmet in situations where his head could be in danger of being hit. So when he was in the car seat or stroller he was supposed to wear it, or if he were playing with other kids, or in a situation where he may bang his head he was supposed to have his helmet on. This was to ensure that if his newly shaped forehead were hit that the bone wouldn't shatter since it was not calcified. However, because I can't stand to hear Cameron screaming in the car, we didn't practice the helmet rule very often. There aren't many things that he hates, but that helmet was one of them. And because he wasn't required to wear it all the time, there was no way to get him used to it, and so when I did try to put it on him, it was a very traumatic experience for the both of us. Anyway, long story short, we saw Dr. David, Cam's head surgeon today, and she said he looks great! She also said his bone had calcified and unless he were playing softball he wouldn't need a helmet anymore!! Yay....especially since we haven't been good at wearing it in the first place. This makes it easier for me not to feel like such a horrible mother!
Today's visit in Winston was great! We love getting good news. I dread the day that the news isn't good. But I am truly trying not to harbor those negative thoughts, so for today I'm rejoicing in the good news! Cameron has had a wonderful week, he is the funniest little blondie I know! I love my sweet boy, and can't wait to see what new thing he pulls next week!! Thanks for reading!
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