Well it has proven alot harder than I thought keeping up with this blog! I am just not good at remembering things like this. Well not alot has been going on lately. Just nice and calm..which around here is how we like it! We had an appointment last week with Cam's ENT specialist who says that he is looking good. We were concerned about the amount of ear infections he's had, but she looked at his ears and said that although he does have some fluid build up behind one of his ear drums that it could just be lingering from his last infection and so she doesn't want to do anything just yet, she just wants to recheck in 6 weeks, and then if it's still there she said they may consider placing ear tubes, but if not then she just wants to watch and see. Most of the time children with this syndrome have ear tubes placed. They have such small ear canals that it creates a very small area for bacteria to grow and it's alot easier for fluid to accumulate. But if he doesn't need them right now, then that is wonderful!
It's also been getting warmer around here, and most would agree it's about dang time! Living in the mountains definitely has it's advantages, but something I would consider a disadvantage would be the fact that cold weather can tend to linger around alot longer than it's wanted, and this year that has been the case. For instance today is May 1st and it's cloudy and overcast. It's not to chilly, but I want some sun and birds chirping!!! My husband and I were debating over whether or not to plant a few things this weekend, but decided against it because the weather is just so unpredictable this year. So we are just going to wait until closer to the end of the month. We figure by then there should be no way that we could expect it to get too cold again. Yesterday was beautiful. We spent alot of time out on our deck. We had Cam in his swing, and just out on the porch. He loves being outside. He hates the sun and is very sensitive to being outside, but as long as his face isn't in direct sunlight he loves it and enjoys playing outside.
Today, after church, we went to an opening of a mountain bike trail in our county. It's the first ever mountain bike trail here, and my husband is super excited because he enjoys biking and now that this trail has come along he has a keen interest in getting into mountain biking. I enjoy biking as well, so who knows maybe it will become something that we end up doing as a family. Cameron loved being out today because it wasn't too sunny, and I think enjoyed his first hike, as we ventured onto the trails to check it out. He just hung out in the carrier and we hiked out and back and he never made a peep! So maybe that is what he will love to do, which I'm sure if my husband has anything to do with it he will. Paul loves the outdoors, and Cameron seems to be following in those footsteps, which I know thrills my husband!
Well I'm glad that some warmer weather is coming our way. We have alot to prepare for as this time next month we will all head to Boston for the big hand surgery. We are excited to get over this hurdle as well, and look forward to meeting some other families in the Boston area that also have children with Apert Syndrome. It's always nice seeing other kiddos that are as awesome as yours! Hope everyone had a blessed Sunday, and hopefully I'll remember to post more often.
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