So my beautiful, wonderful, sweet little Cam decided to catch a virus last week. How you ask? Well that is a good question, seeing as how I kept him detained in the house for the week befor not allowing anyone but family to visit and even then it was a germ panick with handwashing. But under some crazy circumstance he still managed to come down with a bug. A runny nose and cough. This translates to horribly congested and horrible sounding cough for Cam. So we started to panick....Oh no what about his upcoming surgery? So we asked the pediatrician to help us help Cam get well quick. He gave us some steroids for the cough and an antibiotic in case it was stemming from an ear infection. All this and we were still told yesterday by the pulmonologist that having a surgery so soon after getting a virus can cause some complications. Anastesia can cause something called reactive airway syndrome, and can cause him to display asthma like symptoms after surgery. This can result in not being able to come off the vent and a longer hospital stay. Ultimatley the choice is ours so what do we do?
Well after alot of praying and talking, we decided that although we were really looking foward to getting Cam some fingers in the next couple of weeks that we really can't risk sending him in if he is not at his best health wise. It would make us feel horrible if something happend and it just isn't worth risking that for our sweet boy. So we have decided to reschedule his hand operation in Boston. Hopefully they will be able to reschedule for sometime in July. We just ask that everyone prays that some operating time will come available and that when that time is set that Cam is ready and healthy to go!!!
So while yes it does stink that we are having to post pone surgery, we are also greatful that we have an incredible team of Dr's that are looking after the well being of our most precious boy. I just want all of these surgeries to be over...and not to have to worry about him staying well so that he can go to an operating room. That day will come and I have faith that this is for the best!
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