Well if anyone can have a cold in July apparently it's my kid. My poor Cam can't catch a break. He got his pesky tubes put in about two weeks ago, and low and behold shortly after got yet another ear infection. Lot's of yucky stuff draining from his ears....luckily the Dr. says that because of the tubes it won't cause him alot of discomfort, so I guess that is a positive? And of course with every ear infection there comes the plethora of snot. Just pools of it, and the coughing. So my sweet little boy is sick. You know I can handle multiple surgeries, and I can handle the anticipation of more surgeries, but where does the list of bad things end? I mean, it's not like his immune system isn't getting stronger. I don't keep him secluded except for the weeks leading up to a surgery, I load him up on probiotics, I make sure to expose him to germs so that he can build a tolerance, and I also know when to break out the germ-x. So rationally he should not be sick in July, or at least he should get the runny nose, and a few days later be able to fight it off, but no, not my Cam. Instead it's about a two week process to get back to where snot isn't a part of our daily routine.
I guess I need to be grateful that for the most part when he gets a little virus like this that his body is usually able to fight it without a ton of meds. He continues to get the ones that are part of his daily routine, but we try to get him all better without always resorting to steroids and breathing treatments. Mostly because I think that allowing his body to get over the virus without too many interventions is the key to him not getting sick as often. Maybe my theory is totally wrong, but I guess that is just how I rationalize not getting him on any more meds than the ones are completely necessary!
Today has just been one of those day where venting about my sick kid is what I need to do. I love my sweet Cam, but I hate days like today. I hate that not only does he have to be sick, but because his anatomy is so different it takes such a tole on his little body....and mommies. Hopefully as he gets older these minor illnesses will seem even more minor and life will function a little more normal. But for now...anyone have a xanax? :)
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