So this week has been busy. Monday was the 4th of July, and we celebrated with great friends, but Tuesday morning I woke up to one very unhappy Cam. He was running a pretty high fever and just being super cranky, so after giving some mommy love and some Tylenol I decided to call the Docs just to see what they suggested. And of course they wanted me to go all the way to Winston to the ED, since he has a shunt. Well I didn't think he was having a shunt malfunction, but anytime that he gets a fever and it can't be explained then they want to see him. So I called Paul and the three of us headed down the mountain.
We arrived at the ED and spent all day there just to receive news that he must have a little virus because all of his blood work was fine and he wasn't acting like a shunt malfunction. So after we spent 7 hours in the hospital, we left only to stay the night in Winston at a friends house because Cam had appointments early the next morning. So we stayed the night at my friend Catie's house and the next morning went to see the ENT for what we thought would be a cancellation of tube surgery since he had been running a fever and apparently had some virus.
When we got to the ENT's office we were surprised to learn that she wanted to still proceed with putting tubes in the following day and doing a hearing test. She assured us that everything should be just fine, and that even if he had a fever that it would be such a minor procedure that everything would be ok. So we were set with a time of arrival for 6 am the following morning and sent on our way.
We decided that since Cam sleeps horribly away from home especially when he doesn't feel well that we would just drive home and return the next morning....today. So this morning at 4 a.m we got up and headed out. We arrived at surgical waiting at 6 and we were in the O.R. holding room by 7. They took Cameron back around 7:45 and by 10:30 we were heading home with one groggy Cam, with new tubes and a hearing test that had come back saying he has PERFECT HEARING!!! That was awesome news, seeing as how we were prepared for them to at least say he had some minor hearing loss, I mean that is super common with this syndrome, so for him to get a great hearing test result we were super pleased.
Now it's bedtime, and I have one sweet little boy downstairs in his crib snoozing away. I am super exhausted, but glad that we have one more procedure out of the way. But I know we still have many more to come, so I'm making a list of what the rest of 2011 brings as far as surgeries for Mr. Cam. Hopefully everything will go as smoothly as today went, and We can get to next year and maybe have some much needed surgery free time! Thanks for all of your well wishes and prayers for our family as we continue on this journey. Even though things like today are minor compared to things he has already been through I can't help but wish that he didn't have to have any of this and that his life and ours could be easier....but I just hold onto the love that I have for my sweet Cam and know that everyday I become stronger because of him!
Upcoming surgeries to tweak my Cam:
1.July- Possible Hydrocele/Hernia repair and circumcision
2.August- Above surgery if it doesn't happen in July
3. September- Cams first hand surgery
4. October- Cams cast come off, and possible second hand surgery
5. November- Possible second hand surgery/toe separation
6. December- Possible hand/foot surgery.
Hopefully we can get all of these in in the remaining year, that way next year can be a little less surgery and a little more fun!
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