So this past week Cam has been trying to conquer his cold, and I'm thinking it's on the downhill slide, so good news there! On a more sour note, my dad left for Iraq this past weekend. Well not really Iraq just yet. He is in Texas right now and will be there training for a month and then will fly to Iraq. Still he is gone and won't be back for a whole year. I thought last year when my dad told us he would be deployed in July 2011 that by the time it came around he would have a change in orders and would not have to go, but little did I know that my dad volunteered to go over seas. You see my dad is one of those men that has worked for everything he has. Did he make mistakes growing up...ABSOLUTELY, but the minute he turned 17 he enlisted in the US Army Reserves, and has been with them ever since. Usually when people serving have served their required four years, they move on or at least have another full time job and just do their one weekend a month requirement, but not my dad. He enlisted full time and his job was directly related to the Army. The type of job my dad does did not require him to serve in Iraq, but because my dad knew that others under him had served and looked up to him with respect that if he didn't go then how could he identify? Thus where we are today.
Today is a hard day for me. Today is the official day that my dad is gone. Yesterday Paul, Cam and I attended a ceremony in honor of the troops that are deploying, and most of them aren't leaving until Wednesday, but my dad chose to be on the advanced crew so that they could make sure everything is OK before the others go over. So today my dad boarded a plane and will be gone for no less than 12 months. Possibly more. This weekend was hard. I watched my dad tear up as he kissed Cameron goodbye, something I have seen my dad do only twice. Once when my grandpa(his dad) passed away, and once when Cameron was born. So seeing my dad become vulnerable only made this that much harder. Cameron could do no wrong in my dad's eyes. He loves him so much and I know that not seeing him for a year must be really difficult for him, and for one minute he admitted that he didn't want to go. Talk about a sob fest!
I guess today I'm just sad. Sad that my dad is in Iraq, where people get killed. I'm also sad that my sweet Cam won't get to see his grandpa for a long time. I'm sad that I won't see my dad for a whole year. I'm sad that crappy things keep happening to me.......I know, I know, this is starting to sound like a whoa is me type complaint, but it kinda is. I am either having some shitty luck or this is my season in which God is testing me. And God if this is you testing me, then could you go ahead and get the freak on with it? I'll be glad to do whatever, but just give it to me all at one time. These events that keep occurring in my life have got to start improving right??? But then again I go back to how grateful I should be. I should be so grateful and proud that my dad is fighting for our freedom and that I get to be a part of such an amazing mans life. I should be grateful that in less than a month my precious Cam who has had the craziest life will be one! I should be grateful that I have an amazing family and friends who are so supportive and whom I love dearly. AND I AM GRATEFUL. But I'm also sad. And tomorrow will be different...better, I hope! Tomorrow my dad will have been gone for over a day, and tomorrow will be one more day that has passed and one more day closer to his return. I know this.. I know time heals and that time goes so fast, so tomorrow will be better.....BUT TODAY SUCKS!
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